Demonstration & Education Page
Woodturners of the Hunter have an active education program. This includes not only in house training and education, but often we are able to arrange for specialist woodworkers from Australia and Overseas to come to the Club and demonstrate their skills.
We are proud to present the following demonstrations which are usually open to all members of Woodturners of the Hunter as well as interested woodworkers from other Clubs. Check back here soon to see this changing list of demonstrations and tutorials
Learner Turners Classes
Our normal classes for Learner Turners are not full to overflowing at present. If you would like to learn a new turning technique or even just brush up on some basic skills contact Brian Unicombe for Monday evening classes, or, Neil Keats for the Thursday classes. Email the Secretary for more information by clicking here. Membership of Woodturners of the Hunter includes unlimited lessons in all aspects of woodturning.